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Me and My Lovely Girlfriend

DAYAO is also Computer Vision Researcher in Hosei University and expected to do further studies at Utokyo, Sato lab.1




MEGVII Algorthim Engineer Internship

Undergraduate course, MEGVII Shanghai Reseach Center, 2022

  1. Focus on Parking Slot detection and segmentation for autonomous drving.
  2. Add a angle constrain to the corners of the parking slot which improve the recall rate of parking slot detection by 10%.
  3. Impose a novel training strategy for data augmentation which make full use of the limited training data, which greatly improve the detection at ill-position like image edges and occluded regions. It was finally accepted by Megvii as the IPM pipeline for automatic parking algorithm.

Sensetime Japan, Researcher Intren

Workshop, Sensetime Tokyo Office, 2023

  1. Conduct research on weakly-supervised 3D detections without using LiDAR point clouds or annotations.
  2. Write academic papers.